A leading Telecommunication firm looks to build a multi-use theater that contains a state-of-the-art video, media, and digital cinema environment. IMT is hired to design, engineer and build a one-of-a-kind hybrid theater. The theater, tasked with providing the best in corporate internal video, media and audio systems along with fully capable digital cinema playback for hosted private internal and public events.
The goal to develop a cross-functional theater that provides unique features across varying landscapes includes:
- Crystal LED media wall for playback of media, video and cinema content
- Digital cinema projection for playback of ‘Hollywood’ release movies
- Dubbing stage editing and processing capabilities
- ATMOS surround audio for both environments
- Media playback systems and tools to support all media/video formats
Developing a corporate experience with a live immersive environment that hosts the latest in cinema and media content playback was the goal of IMT’s client. The latest in 4K+ media displays, utilizing micro-LED technologies with a large 26’ x 15’ media wall. In parallel, redundant digital cinema LASER projectors that provide the ability to playback DCP (2D / 3D) cinema content that is fully integrated into the environment.
The deployment of redundant 2D with 3D capable digital LASER cinema projectors, providing playback of DCI / DCP Hollywood generated cinema content; from new releases to archived content. Cinema playback via a 26.5’ x 11’ scope cinema screen with masking. The integration and extension of dubbing stage functions to allow pre-master to post and final release of cinemas films was developed.
The environment also includes leading-edge technologies from content sourcing, media playback, audio, digital processing and display systems. Playback systems consisting of applications allowing all forms of media to be played back and include: Daylight, Resolve, Media Composer, Pro Tools and EasyDCP.
Both direct view and cinema playback environments fully support surround sound / ATMOS. 42 surround speakers make up the Meyer Sound audio system, along with amplifiers and processing and provide support for the ATMOS system. Dolby ATMOS certification was achieved (for the first time), both the digital cinema playback and media playback via direct view LED media wall.
Integrated Media Technologies (IMT), a broadcast, media and collaboration integrator, architected and implemented the complete hybrid theater solution.
Organization Size
Approximately 250K
Business Challenge
- Developing a hybrid corporate media theater
- Providing DCP cinema content playback on direct view technology
- ATMOS surround audio implementation on direct view displays
- Dual ATMOS installations for media playback and cinema
- Develop dubbing stage functionality to support cinema content
- First ever Dual Dolby ATMOS certification for direct view cinema
- First hybrid theater with LED and LASER cinema playback capability
- Cross media platforms and playback of media content
- Redundant 4K digital DCP cinema projectors
- 6K LED media wall with media and cinema playback capability
- Fully immersive environment with video and lighting systems
- Automated control system
- Christie RGB DCI cinema LASER projectors
- Sony Crystal LED displays
- Stewart cascade cinema screen
- Dolby ATMOS
- Meyer Sounds audio systems
- FilmLight image processing